Saturday, 22 June 2013

Characters: Frank and Frank

Frank and Frank are the main comedy aspect to the show. They are Boston Terrier twin brothers and like all the same things(Mainly Football and Cars)They are known to tell a lot of jokes but in "Full of Beans" they take it to far and play jokes on their fellow classmates. They often speak in unison and have their famous catchphrases, such as: Me first...NO ME first...NO ME...NO ME.... I know we'll BOTH go first! They are always playing together although when Frank 1 was ill in "Frankless Frank" Frank 2 learnt he could just as much fun playing with Timothy as with his Brother.
Gender:Male Likes:Telling Jokes,Football,Cars. Dislikes:Being seperated from each other. Clothing:Frank 1 wears a Blue Shirt with a White 1 on the front and back, and Frank 2 wears a Green Shirt with a White number 2 on the front and back

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